"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers."
Okay, so I'm feeling quite pensive and wanted to get some stuff out from my mind and heart. Maybe it will encourage you, I hope you find it to do so. Maybe it will annoy you, I hope you don't find that the case...but however you find yourself is up to you, and that's between you, yourself and God. I'm not "that girl" who tries to tell you how it is, and how you should be, think, function, or live. I'm aware that people who read my blog are from all different "perspectives" and places in their journey of life here. And so am I. If you'd like to hear where I'm at in this, read on and I'm sure you'll gather where that is according to your scales. I realize I seem defensive in this, it's just that I've honestly been misunderstood plenty about this stuff, and wanted to communicate my intention or purpose in this. Being misunderstood and then judged...it happens to the best and to the worst of us...-it's life. But life won't shut me up that easily...yet!! So however you choose to respond...know that. That's my little disclaimer here:) That said...I'll get on with it...
"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers."
"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers."
It takes intention and execution of a plan out of that intention, to keep this truth and guidance alive and able to operate to its full capacity/measure. In other words; it doesn't "just happen" on its own. The "it" I'm referring to is the intention to NOT walk in the counsel of the wicked etc. and the high degree of intention and the tenacity required to execute this "game-plan", doesn't happen on default. Left to just live with your setting on "default mode" I wholeheartedly believe that, it will NOT happen!!
So, how can one discern what "the counsel of the wicked" is? Or "the way of sinners" or how it feels to "sit in the seat of mockers"? Read on to verse 2!
"But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night."
Pretty straight-forward answer...God's law, or His Word. And one doesn't become able or sufficiently equipped to discern the above mentioned if he/she is "familiar" or "acquainted" with God's Word. It's not if one can quote chapter or books of Scripture from memory; it's first and foremost a condition/matter and disposition of one's heart, in other words, the attitude of their heart... "his DELIGHT is in the law of the Lord". He's not dutifully bound to know God's Word. He's not assigned and therefore responding out of an obligation & responsibility to know God's Word...he DELIGHTS in it. Even if no outside pressure to know the Word was felt by him, he would continue to meditate on God's laws and His Word. This is when you can be lost in time, spending hours in the Scriptures, yet not realizing how much time has gone by, because you are just pouring into what delights you...God.
"He is like a tree planted by streams of water,"
Not a rushing gushing river? I guess not. They are streams, slow and steady. But a profound and beautiful and strong thing comes out of these streams. It wasn't the chief purpose of the streams existence, but rather a byproduct of being streams...and therefore planting a tree.
"which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither."
Good and lasting fruit that the streams planted and continue to nurture this tree to the point of producing fruit in season and without having the leaves wither from production of fruit. It's roots are constantly and steadily being nurtured by the streams of water in which planted this tree.
"whatever he does prospers."
Isn't this what we all long for? To be prosperous in whatever we do? But that was the by-product of the tree being planted, which was the by-product of the streams of water. The streams of water seem to me to be an outlet of something else that resulted in an overflow from abundance, that in turn, created the streams of water, that in turn, planted a tree, that in turn, yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Is this all a by-product of simply delighting in God and His Word..which reveals His heart and mind? Could it be that simple, yet seems so out of reach...the end product is what I'm referring to? Yes!...But NO! Ahhhh!!! Ahhhaa. When you delight in God and in His Word, and therefore; are intentional in discerning His ways as a means to knowing His heart and His mind, with executing your whole life and it's decisions that life presents to you, in this light or fashion...the natural, yet somehow super-natural, byproduct is a life found to drawn in contrast with this amazing parallel to this tree that was planted by streams of water and which produces it fruit in season and doesn't wither.
Huhh...something to chew on. It does not happen over night, just like a tree isn't planted over night by streams, and in the morning to follow will produce this fruit. It takes time and a constant and steady flow that results as this tree. It's a byproduct of sowing and reaping over time. Slowly but surely, by the grace of an almighty God with a real and true everlasting love. Wow, I want that! I stumble and fall and wither up...but then look at this piece of Scripture and am greatly encouraged.
That's that.