Quite frankly, I personally do not invite many people over or host get-togethers very often because of the "work" that I feel or anticipate being involved in such an endeavor. My house is not one I feel proudly showing off and even if it were; to maintain that condition of my house is a lot of work..especially if you've got kids. What is this crap that I, and so many others get into with this being an obstacle of enjoying the company of others? It is a cultural strong-hold or trap; that keeps us at bay from one another because the "work" that's required is so superficial and doesn't seem to pay off. Why doesn't it seem to pay off? Because all that work being put forth is for hiding from reality, from what is; and instead putting on a polished mask that we believe is what "should be" in place of what is. We think it to be more acceptable or "appropriate" to others to have our masks on. A clean and tidy house, a clean and tidy persona. Well my friends; doing relationships in the milieu of life isn't always going to be clean and tidy. Let's take ourselves and each other off that vicious hook.
Yes, I do enjoy a clean and tidy house. But if I function out of the belief that that is a pre-requisite for enjoying my relationships in; forget about it! Too much work for such little dividends. I'd rather put work into something that will pay off in a real relationship with others based on love and mutual acceptance rather than a facade that requires so much work.
So, while working hard to maintain my clean and tidy house and presentable face to others, I produce sweat and sweat reeks! Quit working so hard to maintain that and the sweat won't reek.
The challenge and the struggle is this; that I feel much better telling you that you need to not judge me and see past my flaws with respect and acceptance..but can I do that with yours? I had better if I want to have a real relationship with a real person versus a relationship with a person on cyberspace interacting via an interface instead of interacting in her real face.