Big girls don't cry. I like Fergie's song..makes for some good tunes. But living in the mindset that believes this is another story.
So, big girls don't cry...Really?
Or is it that we live in a culture or society that nurses and coddles the false notion that crying is a sign of weakness. Could it be more truthful to state that since we are so uncomfortable with how to respond as an adult, to the emotion of sadness, pain, or anger being expressed through the avenue of shed tears; we simply hold onto this notion that big girls don't cry. Or big boys for that matter.
What if we look at it through the eyes of actual big boys and big girls, and therefore can be OK with discomfort that often may accompany this emotion when being expressed instead of repressed? Could it be that it actually takes courage, stamina and real balls to express the emotions that cause tears? Doing this with trusted friends and family where there is safety is wise. Doing this with the general public or acquaintances isn't necessarily the most productive; but not the worst thing in the world either.
Why are we so dry when it comes to sadness, pain and anger, yet this world is full of violence? Could it be that if we shed a tear for the real losses experienced in living in this beautiful but broken world, we may actually prevent some of the violence that explodes from repressing it for so long?
Big girls don't cry..until they grow up.