Whether you are loud and outgoing, speaking your mind clearly with every other statement ending with an exclamation point. Or more quite and reflective, speaking your honest mind seldomly and with short statements, usually only when asked, isn't necessarily what determines where you are at within this spectrum of living life regarding your relationships.
Are you a fighter; even if you are more quite, or are you a flighter, even if you are loud and outspoken? When it comes down to the level of intimacy within those few but precious relationships in life where intimacy (not necessarily sexual intimacy) are a must in order to truly enjoy a relationship to the fullest..where do you reside?
It's hard to aggressively live life fully when you are doing most of it solo. Even if you find yourself mostly in a crowd...you know when you are really doing life solo. You can be married and have a house full of constant commotion and still...live life solo. It's a place within your heart where you do not let anyone in, and you do not go knocking around the hearts of any others to be let in either.
Community is ever so important, I'm bending towards the notion that the smaller the community the better..but nevertheless...a group of people to live this out within is such an endangered species. Tight-knit, small and reliable communities are an endangered species.
But...in attaining that goal..to live life fully is only done when you are doing it aggressively, proactively and fighting for what you want with what you have, be it ever so limited. When you get knocked down for the 39th time...you brush yourself off and get back up. This, we can all do. For if we don't, then to me...it seems like a passive suicide..what a long slow and sad death.
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