Sunday, April 22, 2012

Questions to Ponder

If I, as a Christ-follower, am only able to relate to others who call themselves Christ-followers or Christians; through using Bible verses or other Christian jargon, how can I relate to the rest of the world?

If my love and words only seem to be relevant to those who call themselves Christians...there is something missing...what could it be?
- connection?
- authentic love in the presence of diversity?
- trust in the relationship over trust in having similar beliefs?

What kinds of messages does my life preach to those who do not personally identify with "Christianity"?  With those I walk with or in close proximity to, whom have different philosophies on life and God, -am I relevant?    

Love is always relevant.
Jesus was always relevant.

Jesus was found least relevant, but most troubling to the religious leaders/experts in the law.
He was found most relevant and safe to sinners and outcasts.

Can I relate to Jesus in whom I can relate to?
What kinds of people am I found to be the safest to?
Whom am I found to be the most offensive and troubling to?

Something to ponder over I guess...

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