Wow. If you named any random movie that's come out in the past decade, I probably didn't see it...even if it was a hit and won tons of awards...I probably didn't see it. I'm just not all that into movies. I'm a little snobby about them, in my own way. I don't know much about them because I think most of them are a waste of time...but I just saw Slumdog Millionaire tonight with my sister, and wow. I absolutely feel in love with this movie and the characters...especially the children. If you haven't seen it yet...this is one of those very few I'd totally recommend, and see it in the big screen...totally worth it. I may write more about it later because it's late...but if you haven't seen it...go see it.
The soundtrack is pretty catchy too...I wanna get my hands on that one...
The soundtrack is pretty catchy too...I wanna get my hands on that one...