We should all quit wishing our lives away and start enjoying our lives NOW. Whatever and wherever we find our current circumstances...they will soon fade away, so enjoy them while they last and quit looking ahead to someday when blah blah blah happens...life is happening now and about a year ago I decided to start enjoying my life NOW. Especially with my daughter because her years with me when I can snuggle with her and play with her will all be history too soon.
Life is short. Let me say it again...life is short...-play hard, love hard, work hard, rest hard, pray hard, worship hard, and then die hard. Do it all the way, be carefree but not careless and hasty.
Lighten up...don't be so dang uptight about everything...especially yourself. Just like Solomon says in Ecclesiastes...(I'm paraphrasing)...live your life and enjoy all you have to the fullest...yet remember that you will indeed one day be called to give an account of how you lived your short life on earth.
Thank God for grace...abundant grace...thank God for that Jesus Christ who offered up this awesome grace for any and all who would accept and turn from themselves to Him....or what a bloody stinkin mess covered with a nice and pretty facade we'd find many of ourselves in...only sooo long until that facade will inevitably fade away...bye bye...adios...all gone..PERIOD.