Thursday, May 28, 2009

Food or Poison

Recently I've been digging and disecting the first few chapters in Genesis. It's actually been surprisingly eye opening to me on several things that I basially was "aware" of, but were never deeply struck by until now.

Taking from Genesis 3:4, the crafty serpent waters down sin by lying and deceiving Eve into believing that disobeying God, or sin, does NOT really bring about what God says it will (death).

The lie had such a strong appeal, creating this temptation and stiring up desire because it had elements and particles of truth. But they were twisted and distorted when applied to seeing the true image of God.

The elements of truth that were represented were that:
- it is good and desirable to be like God
- that God knows all things
- if they (Adam & Eve) ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would be like God, knowing good and evil.

These elements were elements of truth. They were not lies, the lie was not about those issues, for who cares about that if you want to knock down the house?! No, the lie was about God. The bits of truth were acknowledged yet twisted into distorting who God really is, because that's all that REALLY matters. Remove the foundation, and the house will crumble. It distorts God to appear as being insecure and threatened and withholding good from us out of His insecurity, and therefore causing God to not be very trustworthy. Especially in giving us the good He knows we want and the goods we desire. "Good" is being distorted as something attainable APART from and outside of God, the end result (the good) is all that matters, not how we go about getting it...this, I believe, is a very crafty and subtle deception, that has huge ramifications. Through the serpent's presentation of the Creator, God is appearing as insecure and therefore not wanting the "goods" we desire because we can be leveled as one to be in competition with God. As if the serpent had this "insider" view of how God really is, and was now blowing the whistle on God on our behalf!

The serpent's lie is in essence saying:
'Trust me, not God. I am telling you how it really is and how God really is. I'm on your side, and God's not. You are being tricked by God, I am here to help you see how God really is, that He cannot be trusted and is withholding good from you, that I believe you should have.'

By the serpent saying in Gen 3:4 "You will not surely die" he is claiming God's words to be false, he is calling God a liar. You cannot logically conclude both statements to be true or both to be false. You either believe you will die or you believe you won't. Only one is telling you the truth, and the other is telling you a lie.

I've got more I want to share about my thoughts on this matter...but gotta cut it short right now, time is running thin...dinners still need to be made, though my brain will not fingers must...

Thanks for letting this processing junkie (me) do my thing here...^^

--to be continued...

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