When your heart is running after idols (whatever serves as your lifesource in place of God) whether it be money, religion, reputation, other people, or self, etc; you are running like hell to get your fulfillment from it, while at the same time, not getting anywhere of grand significance (in the grand scheme of things from an eternal perspective that is...life is here and gone in a flash...life is SHORT)...all the while you are using up gas (energy/time) that will eventually run out; without getting to where you wanted to end up.
We idle for our idols. We get nowhere doing this, yet we still default to idle mode to the point of idling the crap out of everything. Shut off the motor! What's your motor? Hmmm...what's my motor??? I want it reset! Ha--
If you have absolutely no dang clue what I'm talking about...then that's okay. I'm just kind of rambling on something that started in my brain late last night while trying to fall asleep...this is just a bizzare extension of that... But I think I'm finally starting to get a clue on some stuff, and it's faaaaantaaaaastic...good stuff.
PEACE-- ;]
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