Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some People's Kids...

"Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult;
whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse.
Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you;
rebuke a wise man and he will love you.
Instruct a wise man and he will be wise still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning."
~Proverbs 9:7-9

This reminds me of the incident on Memorial day (yesterday while writing this) when a big group of guys started playing tackle football in the middle of a pretty crowded park/beach area at a local public park. They were running over others who were on their blankets/beach towels; including families with young children. It was obvious they did not care if someone got hurt or ran over in the process of playing their football game, as they did run over others before doing it to us. Me and my 8 month pregnant self, my young daughter, niece and my sister, while my husband was grilling right by us. My sister and I spoke up when their ball came and landed right in the middle of where we were on our blanket with our children there. She said to them that there were kids around and they shouldn't be doing that and I spoke up saying they needed to show some respect to others and that they were not the only people there at the park. A few of them became hostile and cussed at us, in front of our kids, then ignored us and kept right on playing as if nobody else was there trying to enjoy the same area as they were. The police were called and they overheard this, and again became hostile chattering amongst themselves, while still continue to play their tackle football around a crowded area. The police responded and they dispersed.

Later on, I was waiting in line for a long long time in the women's bathroom, and a young lady literally budged and cut in front of me, I was next in a very long line and she went into the next open stall as if there was no line at all! I "rebuked" her saying, "Ya know, there is a line here." She ignored me and cut in line. Man, what rude people who do not care about anyone else and for whatever reason don't have basic common courtesy that a preschooler is capable of showing. Well, what is a mother to do?!

This verse is a reminder and a guide on correcting or rebuking "mockers" or "wicked men". It often brings about no change, or good change for that matter. Actually it sounds like it's inviting insult. So I shouldn't waste my time or energy in doing this. There's not much I can really do to change these things, the world will never be lacking in its supply of these type of characters, that are without any second thought. So why incur abuse and insult upon myself?!!

But what about John the Baptist? He essentially was thrown into prison and was beheaded for rebuking Herod the Tetrach? And Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their blindness and self-righteousness, and he was crucified? Should they have remained silent? Should we never rebuke fools or mockers to save our own heads or asses? Think of all the heroes in history who risked their lives or well being to speak out against injustice, not just slight insults like I experienced? Well, in my personal opinion, speaking up to the morons who were running over everyone to play tackle football was okay, it was my mother bear instincts to protect my kid from being pummeled by 180 pound brainless dudes trying to catch a football..sorry, little tangent. But for real, there is a place for people to speak up and out for the outcries of the voiceless and helpless who are being unjustly treated or oppressed. Look at Martin Luther King Jr. He lost his life for speaking out against the racism in his day...was it his fault? NO! So what's up with this Proverb?

Well, I guess I have to come to a conclusion somehow for now at least, that one should count the cost...is it worth it? Is God calling me to do this? Don't just habitually rebuke mockers and then be surprised when insult and abuse follow. It's not merited, but it's the world we live in. At the same time, be conscience about speaking up and knowing that insult and abuse may likely follow...sometimes it is definitely worth it, for sometimes silence is more deadly and cowardly than the act of what you are speaking up against.

For the most part in daily living though, at least in my experience right now...most of the mockers are doing petty things that don't really endanger my well being or my loved one's well being...it's just endangering or threatening my pride or ego, or convenience..that's being completely honest..it's hard to be humble and turn the other cheek...but consider the outcome...is the fool really worth it?...Nah.

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