I feel it it is my duty as your mother to know you well; then in turn to care for you, nurture you, teach you, cherish you, love you and discipline you and trust in God's grace to cover over my vast areas of limitations and weaknesses. Then eventually, turn you completely over to Him as your Heavenly Father when you come of age, and then support you as a fellow disciple and child of the Almighty God. This duty that comes with motherhood is a duty not to be taken lightly. It is not for the faint at heart nor for the coward, nor is it for the arrogant or haughty one.
It is brought on with blood, sweat and tears. Is the journey always a pleasant one? -No. Does this then excuse me of my duty? -No. Is it a duty carried out with a begrudged heart? -May it never be so! May it be a duty carried out with a heart that senses the great honor and privilege to be the one counted on to do so.
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