Monday, February 20, 2012

my monday afternoon rant

One of them days.

Well, not one of them...this seems to be on a string of days like today.  Not feelin it.  Not in a very cheery mood today.  Just how am I going to manage this summer with having my oldest daughter home from school all day and probably other children to watch as well?  I love children, but I also find myself growling at them from time to time.  I don't know how them moms or dads can take it, and do it so patiently, graciously and calmly.  *sigh*--it's GOT to be an illusion that all other parents do that all the time...oh please let it be an illusion.

I can't wait to start back in school this summer.  But then again, I don't want to be too loud and proud about that.  I'm not feeling tons of assurance I'll make it.  I guess it's fear of history repeating itself when it comes to going back to school.  I love to study.  I love to read.  I love to discuss things with others about what I'm studying or reading.  I love writing about things I'm reading and studying.  But I don't do too well with always doing it according to someone else's criteria and actually finishing one book from cover to cover without starting on the next venture.  I see too many "squirrels" when I'm reading...distractions..distractions..

I guess that's why I'll be majoring in Psychology.  At least I'll be studying a topic that's fascinating to me.  But still.  I've tried going back to school, um how many times now since having children?  Umm..well I guess only once.  And it wasn't easy.  I only took one class and then dropped out feeling defeated and embarrassed.  I guess the business-field wasn't a good fit for me after all, didn't take too long to realize that one.

I don't know how people can hold down a job, have several children, run a household AND function sanely all simultaneously without everyone in the household up in arms.  Or tears. 

I am not one of those people who can take on a lot of things all at once.  I think I can.  I think I can.  I think I can...up to the point of signing myself up for stuff...then....the I think I can's turn into what the hell have I gotten myself into?

Well, stress in life is inevitable.  I tell myself, -c'mon, roll with the punches.  Sink or swim.  But that's just survival.  I don't wanna just survive as I live day to day.  I want to thrive.  I don't want to just go through the motions day in and day out.  That ain't abundant life to me.  I want to be present as I go through the motions, and enjoying it, knowing I'm making a real difference in this world, even as I go about the mundane daily routines.

So, how much of this falls within my say-so, and how much isn't?  

As a human being, I find that I am freakishly powerful, yet I am also freakishly powerless.  This seems like such an odd paradox.

I have say-so in what I agree to.  I have say-so in what I disagree to, inside and outside of my head.  In terms of outside of my head -my time, my words, my finances are a few.  But these all begin with either agreements I make inside of my head.  Well, right now I feel over my head, inside of my head.  Why?

Up tight.  High-strung.  These are a few adjectives I've heard in reference to me...Obsessive-compulsive tendencies (though not severe enough to be diagnosed as a disorder apparently), impulsive and self-diagnosed ADHD.  Well, I guess that's why I'm feeling stressed out right now.  Wrap this all into a grocery trip with children playing tag around the grocery cart, a screeching toddler and all the stuff going on inside of my head...and this is what you get.

It's leaving though as I clickety-clack on my keyboard.  

Pull out my hair.  Vent on the computer.  Breathe.  Call a friend...adios stress..

Welcome back sanity.  So nice of you to come in.  Please, take off your coat and do stay awhile.
