Because every female and her Mother, sister, aunt, niece, and Grandma in America have one...or at least a knock off.
Seriously...why should I? Why do so many women/girls aka. females have these? Many of my beloved females have one, and I do love them (the females). But I've noticed that I cannot go out in public without seeing at least one. Whether it's the real thing or a knock off...who knows...but it's all one in the same to me.
Chasing after the Joneses, or the Ms. Joneses. Really now...how individualistic are we if we all try to be like the crowd. We reserve the right, in our pursuit of obtaining happiness, to be like how all the ads and media tell us we should be, but to do this in our own individual way....ahhh yes...that is the American way. That is the American dream baby~ to get all we can so we can try and be like everyone else, or even better...maybe you can "one up" some on the way to be like everyone else...of course in our own individualistic ways mind you.
Of course I know that I am no major exception to this rat race phenomenon that I speak of, but I at least like to think that I'm taking more and more steps AWAY from this futile and tragic rat race of chasing after the Joneses (the cheese). "Hey look...they have an Escalade....I want an Escalade...hey look she has a coach handbag....I want 5 Coach handbags....ahhh...they are going on a vacation to Florida...I want to go on a vacation to Florida...they all have the newest iPods, iPhones...blah blah blah". Like walking Zombies is how I've heard it termed...I think it unfortunately accurately depicts the mainstream culture in America. You can find this mainstream thinking in every sub-culture. You don't necessarily have to be educated and be of the elite class...you can be living on food stamps while doing your own version of the rat race..chasing after the Joneses.
So, it's my little stance. I will not buy a coach handbag because I don't want to buy into what it represents in my perception...being like everyone else, or what everyone else calls "cool" or even "standard". Even though it appears to have some label attached to it, and I think that is more of why people buy them...because they're wanting the label that they believe is attached to owning one and somehow buying into this lie that you are someone better if you carry a coach handbag vs. one from Target (that doesn't look like a cheap imitation of one). How pathetic. I'm in and out of the pathetic game...but indeed I see...it is just that --a pathetic game.
It's not that I hold some kinda weird grudge against these certain items or things...there's nothing wrong with them in and of themselves. I may have one myself someday, who knows!?. But rather it's the vanity behind all the motivation that moves people to spend so much money on these things demanding they must have them all NOW....a desperate attempt to "purchase" an identity that they believe is attached to having ownership of these materialistic items, mostly because that's what the ads and the media and all their devout followers adhere to.
So, if you ever see me with a coach handbag...slap me! But before you do ask me where I got it, and I'm sure you'll learn it was a gift or someone gave it away for free to me.
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