There were MANY trees in the garden of Eden which God said, you may eat of, trees that were PLEASING to the eye and GOOD for food. THAT is what I will do, consider all the many trees in which I am given freely to choose from and to enjoy and I'll delight in dining on those...
And I will respect and flee from the tree that is NOT meant for food, I will NOT go there to dine...for when I do, I will surely die, and THAT is no lie, and now, I don't need to ask why. I now know, from the school of hard knocks...it is no lie that when you eat of that tree, you will surely die.
Praise God that there is grace and mercy and redemption, thank You Lord Jesus that You do not leave us dead in our sins, that You fight for us and prevail over our sins and shame, that we may walk boldly and approach the throne of grace. You are beautiful, You amaze me over and over again by Your love...
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