This evening I was listening to a Christian radio station while I was preparing dinner. The radio host was talking about Whitney Houston's faith. He had mentioned that Oprah Winfrey was going to do an interview with her daughter and he wondered if the topic of Whitney Houston's faith would be discussed. The radio host went on to say that he had hoped her faith would be talked about because Whitney had publicly spoken about her faith in Jesus Christ on a number of occasions and that her last song was "Jesus Loves Me". Her belief in Jesus and her faith was something he hoped would be shared.
I noticed myself thinking these thoughts...
Why does there need to be an interview to know about Whitney Houston's faith? Wasn't it obvious where her faith was? Not in terms of merely theological beliefs or intellectual agreements regarding Jesus, but by the life she lived? By her walk, and not merely her talk...let that speak for itself.
I love Whitney Houston's music. She had an undeniable talent. This is in no way, shape or form about Whitney Houston. I had no relationship with her. I only was one of millions of fans that enjoyed listening to her music or watching her perform. That's all.
A sermon I heard from my pastor in the past came to mind on James 2:14-25. It talks about faith and deeds. Our faith is demonstrated by how we live our life. Not only in reference to doing good deeds in terms of charitable contributions. But in our actions. In our walk. In our relationships. In our pocketbooks. In our free time. In our private time. In how I use my time, day in and day out. These can speak volumes about where one places their faith -apart from merely intellectually giving accent that is incongruent with how I actually live my life.
Where or what I place my faith in at the center core of my actions will surely follow. Again, I'm not talking about theological beliefs and creeds I verbally subscribe to or click "like" on in Facebook. I'm talking about where the rubber meets the road in real life.
I then thought to myself, "where Whitney Houston's faith was placed in is really none of my business to judge." Which is what I found myself doing, judging. I was aware that she had a drug addiction. I concluded that she placed her faith in drugs at some point and believed they were the answer to something.
But wait...I am the last one to judge on this matter. Really. For I am in no superior position. None.
Based on the choices I've life speaks as to where or what or in whom I place my real faith in. And I must be honest with myself and take inventory of myself, not others. What others do with that is none of my damn business, unless they've made it my business by giving me a personal invitation.
I believe in God the Father. Jesus Christ as His only begotten Son, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. That Jesus will return. That I was born into sin and Jesus' atonement on the cross is sufficient for my sins. That God is the Creator of heaven and earth. Blah. Blah. Blah. What good does this do if my life, tell a completely different story.
James says boldly:
"What good is it my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?" (2:14)
"But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds."
Show me your faith without your deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that -and shudder." (2:18-19)
Ouch man.
I need to apply that to myself. Not to you. Not to Whitney Houston. Not to my pastor, my husband, my neighbor. Nope, nope, nope. It is for me to apply to me. I need to sit with that myself. It's using Scripture as a mirror, not a deflector.
I've got a loooong ways to go. My story involves me surrendering my life to Jesus when I was 19. Yet my life's story also reveals many areas, time after time, of me handling situations and taking actions that are not indicative of my "faith in Jesus Christ", but rather my faith being placed in myself, others, relationships, money, how other's view me, so on and so forth. The deeds of my faith, before and after making a decision to surrender my life to Jesus Christ, are being rigorously and fearlessly, to the best of my ability, inventoried as I've set to work a step one in the twelve steps. Powerful stuff.
And dang...there are eleven more stinkin steps to go? What a ride...
Though my deeds are not what "saves" me. They are a representation of what I am or have placed my actual faith in. Having all the "right" theological beliefs about the world, God, the devil and humanity does me absolutely no good. They actually do me more of a disservice as I deceive myself into thinking there is security in believing the certain having the "right" kind of faith or beliefs.
What good is having the "right" kind of faith if it's, well...dead?
THIS is sobering...and it all began with me judging the "faith" of another, and then pausing for a moment and reflecting on those auto-pilot thoughts. Perhaps God, in His grace, turned it around to myself. For He so passionately desires for me to have faith that is alive and vibrant. Not a theological or intellectual faith that is dead...but a real one that is alive. After all, He is the God of the living, not the dead. James put it in his no non-sense way of saying things...
"As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." (2:26)
Let my faith speak for itself through my deeds, through how I live my life, through my struggles and my joys.
For as the old saying goes...actions speak louder than words.