Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rhyme Time - My PoeTRY

Slow and steady wins finishes the race,
Set your own rhythm, set your own pace.
Give to yourself, both time and grace,
Breathe, and acknowledge that He's in this place.

Enjoy your journey, trust His path,
Make time to play, and make time to laugh.

Embrace all life that's free & full
Seeing the mundane as all but dull.

Keeping a journal, and writing often
Helps to discern, and helps to soften,
A heart which is searching,
Or breaking or thanking.

Accepting the limits within all humanity,
Draws you to God, and away from insanity.

Gaining the courage to change what you can
And trusting God's work; redemption of man.

Honor His role, which cannot be taken
His grace and His love, will not be shaken.

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